Tuesday, 7 July 2009

Fashion Magazines

Even though I know that it is a fact of life that during the summer issues fashion magazines has as many pages as a shamed MPs Christmas card list, however I still can't help feeling cheated. This month, my subscribed issue of Elle, with cover girl Emma Watson (yawn), fell on my doormat barely reaching a centimetre in width. The adverts quite easily outnumbered the content, and what content was there was bulked up by images from old shoots, already featured in several back copies, and mere page filler pieces; what happened to articles? I long for the A/W when I can get a lovely chunky magazine, with proper content, to gorge over with a pencil and paper in hand. I will make a plea to all fashion magazines to bring back the missing summer pages, as fashion occurs in the summer too y'know.


  1. I did wonder why all the magazines in the shops were rather thin this month and Elle did seem more wafer thin than usual. I thought magazines only went anorexic in January.

  2. Ah, I noticed this too... Not keen on any of the styling for Emma Watson either. Starting to think about giving up on Elle, it's been so skimpy lately :(

  3. Company is a great magazine if you're looking for interesting articles, it takes me around 2 days to properly sit down and read the magazine from cover to cover.

  4. Nice cover. She looks really different from her classic self even though she's wearing Chanel.
