Wednesday, 1 July 2009

Guilty Pleasure: Street Style

I could spend hours trawling through the street style archives on fashion websites such as Elle, Vogue et al, being inspired by the chosen accessories, the pulling together of an outfit and the accompanying hair and make-up.

The appeal has got to be that there are no celebrities included just mere mortals. This means that the clothes are usually high-street or vintage therefore replicas or the real thing are easily accessible, and there are no stylist involved (unless the person in question is a stylist - which half of them seem to be along with models, fashion PRs, designers and fashion students). If ever I have one of those days where I just don't know what to wear, this is my first point of call. What are your thoughts on street style features?


  1. I love street style, but from what I've seen magazines are really bad at doing street style features compared to street style blogs (which I spend ages on).

  2. T-Shirt and Tails4 July 2009 at 11:44

    I agree. The magazine tend to go to one fashion event and then photogrpah all of the models in 'street style' which completely defeats the object. Which street style blogs do you use?

  3. I love street style and check out Japanese ones regularly!
